Worlds Redeemed – Fantastic Fiction with a Higher Focus

Welcome to Worlds Redeemed! We’re a collective of Christian writers tired of poor writing, preachy stories, and shoddy morals. Our goal is to write fantastic fiction that focuses on hope and wonder, without sacrificing either good storytelling or good morals.

Here you’ll find fantasy and sci-fi, romance and adventure, book releases, blog posts, author interviews, and character sketches. If you love to read, but are just looking for a bit more, you’ve come to the right place. Our writings span a broad spectrum of genres with one overarching goal: to shine the light of Christ through entertainment.

This group was founded over a shared love for speculative fiction – and a shared frustration over how hard it was to find good stories. Together, we can both write and review the kinds of books we want to read. Books that are more than fictionalized sermons. Books that show characters of faith working through that faith in fantastic and amazing situations, and always coming through with their faith intact. Books that elevate the God of creation, and show Him faithful even in the most extreme circumstances. Books that present an alternative to the nihilism and depravity that can so easily creep into speculative fiction.

Magic, dragons, aliens, even catgirls – we at Worlds Redeemed believe that fantastic fiction can be redeemed to offer entertainment with a higher focus. A focus on presenting a better worldview in everything we write. To create fantastic story worlds redeemed by a higher truth – the truth of Christ.


Worlds Redeemed

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