Book Review: Nobody’s Hero: The Superhero Publicist 1

From the “Back of the Book”:

She’ll change his image—if they can both stay alive.

Cassie Robinson, junior representative of Power-Up Publicity, is just trying to keep her head down and her career moving. Not easy when she’s required to work with supervillains for the first year of her contract…or else.

But when a new villain client, Mick, announces he’s switching sides, maybe things are looking up. Even if she has to leave her job a bit earlier than the contract and trust a thieving speedster.

Then the heroes find Mick—including the relentless Snailman. And her bosses seem absurdly focused on getting Cassie back.

Caught between the hovering heroes and her menacing company, Cassie must team up with the villain who literally swept her off her feet and whisked her away to his secret lair.

Speaking of which, that lair could use some redecorating…

A fast-paced superhero story with banter, action, a pinch of slow-burn romance, and yes, the infamous Snailman.

My Thoughts:

This is a nice, cozy, fun superhero story. Well, I say “cozy”, but it’s a superhero story, so there’s still plenty of action. It reads almost more like an Urban Fantasy, only superhero instead of the fantasy, if that makes any sense. So, it hits enough of the superhero tropes to feel “superhero~y”, but avoids the boring ones – it doesn’t feel like a Batman or Superman re-hash, but it’s its own story, in it’s own story universe.

Another reason I’d use the term “cozy”, is that Nobody’s Hero has a fun, snarky, lived-in feel, and not the “Good guys vs bad guys high stakes life-or death” feel.

Sure, there are good guys and bad guys in Nobody’s Hero… but are they who you think they are?

And the romance sub-plot is nice and slow-burn. They’re not jumping in with both feet, but the story takes the time to let the characters get to know each other.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story, and am waiting (im)patiently for the next one.

… oh, minor spoiler: there is a cliff-hanger ending. The book does wrap up the story arc, but yeah, you’ll want to pick up book 2 as soon as it comes out.


Book Reviews

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