Posts about Fantasy

In search of Goodness in modern books

A few years ago, I was listening to Elizabeth Elliot teach on the Fruits of the Spirit. I knew what Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, etc.[…]

Book Review: Fierce Heart

From the “Back of the book”: Essie would do anything for her kingdom…even marry an elf prince she just met that morning.The human kingdom of[…]

Character Crossovers: Rick and Dante meet Jayesh

Sometimes the authors at Worlds Redeemed like to play in each other’s playgrounds. Short fiction is a wonderful way to allow characters to “guest star”[…]

Blade and Staff for Hire

Book Review: Blade and Staff for Hire

From the “Back of the book”: “Bayan Avanar is a warrior of whom the bards sing. He travels the lands, seeking his promised bride and[…]

Dragon School

Book Review: Dragon School

Hello, Aaron here. Among other things, one of the things we’ll be doing at Worlds Redeemed is book reviews by the staff here. To start[…]